姓 名: |
邓志云 |
职 务: |
职 称: |
助理研究员 |
学 历: |
博士研究生 |
学 位: |
博士 |
通信地址: |
北京市海淀区北京交通大学隧道中心 |
邮 编: |
100044 |
办公电话: |
电子邮箱: |
2015.09~2020.12 重庆大学土木工程学院 岩土工程 博士 导师:刘新荣 |
2023.12~至今 北京交通大学yl23455永利官网岩土系 讲师 2021.01~2023.12 清华大学水利系 助理研究员 合作导师:林鹏 |
主持项目: 国家自然科学基金青年项目,玄武岩纤维混凝土衬砌-围岩承载与阻裂机理研究,30万元,2022~2024 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,复合岩层顶管施工管-浆-岩接触力学模型及管节开裂机理研究,8万元,2022~2022 北京交通大学自然科学类人才基金项目, 纤维混凝土力学特性及其在深埋引水隧洞衬砌中的应用研究,20万元,2024~2025 参与项目: 国家重点研发计划-任务: 高原复杂环境下***关键技术研究, 80万元,2023-2026
国家重点研发计划-课题,岩溶山区地下采动环境下特大滑坡形成机制,363万元,2018-2021 中国华能集团,玄武岩纤维混凝土在雅下截弯取直深埋隧洞衬砌中的应用研究,130万元,2023~2024 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司,基于互馈机制的深埋长大隧洞群变形稳定控制技术研究,60万元,2023~2025 ......
第一作者论文: Deng Zhiyun, Chen Peng, Liu Xinrong, Du Libing, Tan Jike, Liang Ninghui. Study on the tensile and compressive mechanical properties of multi-scale fiber-reinforced concrete: Laboratory test and mesoscopic numerical simulation[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 86, 108852. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Zhou Xiaohan, de la Fuente Albert, et al. Field monitoring of mechanical parameters of deep-buried jacketed-pipes in rock: Guanjingkou Water Control Project[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 123:104531. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Zhou Xiaohan, et al. Main engineering problems and countermeasures in ultra-long-distance rock pipe jacking project: Water pipeline case study in Chongqing[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 123: 104420. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Chen Peng, et al. Basalt-polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for durable and sustainable pipe production. Part 1: Experimental program[J]. Structural Concrete, 2022, 23(1): 311-327. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Chen Peng, et al. Basalt-polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for durable and sustainable pipe production. Part 2: Numerical and parametric analysis[J]. Structural Concrete, 2022, 23(1): 328-345. Deng Zhiyun, Liang Ninghui, Liu Xinrong, de la Fuente Albert, et al. Analysis and application of friction calculation model for long-distance rock pipe jacking engineering[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 115: 104063. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Yang Xin, et al. A study of tensile and compressive properties of hybrid basalt-polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete under uniaxial loads[J]. Structural Concrete, 2021, 22(1): 396-409. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Liu Yongquan, et al. Model test and numerical simulation on the dynamic stability of the bedding rock slope under frequent microseisms[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2020, 19(4): 919-935. Deng Zhiyun, Liu Xinrong, Liu Yongquan, et al. Cumulative damage evolution and failure modes of the bedding rock slope under frequent microseisms[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13(10). 邓志云,刘新荣,钟祖良,等.长距离岩石顶管工程管节摩阻力研究[J].地下空间与工程学报,2023,19(03):750-759. 通讯作者论文: Chen Peng, Liu Xinrong, Deng Zhiyun, et al. Study on the pipe friction resistance in long-distance rock pipe jacking engineering[J]. Underground Space, 2023, 9(4): 173-185. Han Yafeng, Liu Xinrong, Abi Erdi, Tu Yiliang, Xu Bin, Zhou Xiaohan, Deng Zhiyun, Wang Zhonghao. Effects of anti-pull ties on the bearing behaviors of shallow tunnel-type anchorages in soft rock[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2023, 20, 2708-2730. Du Libing, Liu Xinrong, Han Yafeng, and Zhiyun Deng. Generation of irregular particle packing with prescribed statistical distribution, spatial arrangement, and volume fraction[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 15(2): 375-394. Yafeng Han, Xinrong Liu, Xiaohan Zhou, Zhiyun Deng, et al. Experimental study on the progressive failure behaviour of shallow tunnel-type anchorage in soft-rock strata using digital image correlation[J]. Measurement, 2023, 206: 112220. Lianxi Ren, Zhifeng Wei, Ninghui Liang, Xinrong Liu, Zhiyun Deng. Mechanical behavior of multi-scale fiber-reinforced concrete for secondary tunnel lining: field test and numerical simulation[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 17 (12): e01669. Liang Ninghui, Ren Lianxi, Tian Shuo, Liu Xinrong, Zhong Zuliang, Deng Zhiyun, Yan Ru. Study on the Fracture Toughness of Polypropylene–Basalt Fiber‑Reinforced Concrete[J]. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2021, 15: 35. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 刘永权, 等. 岩石节理峰前循环直剪试验颗粒流宏细观分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(07): 2103-2115. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 刘永权, 等. 地震作用下水平层状岩质边坡累积损伤与破坏模式研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2019, 40(07): 2507-2516. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 刘永权, 等. 峰前循环剪切作用下岩石节理损伤特征与剪切特性试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, 37(12): 2664-2675. 其他论文: Fan, Qixiang, Deng Zhiyun, Lin Peng, et al. Coordinated deformation control technologies of the high sidewall-bottom transfixion zone of large underground hydro-powerhouses[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2022, 23(7):543-563. ...... |
刘新荣, 邓志云, 杨庆辉, 等. 超长距离硬岩顶管施工方法[P]. ZL202010859795.7, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 韩亚峰, 等. 一种地质雷达检测隧道衬砌天线可伸缩支架[P]. ZL201811141899.3, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 韩亚峰, 等. 长距离岩石顶管中继间布置方法[P]. ZL202010859055.3, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 杜立兵, 等. 长距离岩石顶管施工清渣控制方法[P]. ZL202010851074.1, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 陈鹏, 等. 一种粗聚丙烯-玄武岩混杂纤维预制干硬性纤维混凝土、顶管、制造方法[P]. ZL201911096677.9, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 杨庆辉, 等. 一种穿越富水断层隧洞注浆加固方法[P]. ZL202010859070.8, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 邓志云, 陈鹏, 等. 长距离岩石顶管摩阻力计算方法及管岩接触状态检测方法[P]. ZL202010849905, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 陈鹏, 邓志云, 等. 一种临时管节及顶管施工方法[P]. ZL202010058608.5, 发明, 授权. 刘新荣, 杨庆辉, 邓志云, 等. 一种长距离岩石顶管穿越富水断层施工方法[P]. ZL202010859071.2, 发明, 授权. …… |
中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步奖一等奖:复杂条件大型水工隧洞开裂破坏机理与控制关键技术(9/15),2022 |
中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会委员,地下工程分会理事会理事 Journal of Intelligent Construction、Geohazard Mechanics青年编委 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、Underground Space、Case Studies in Construction Materials、Structural Concrete、Materials、Geofluids等期刊审稿人 |