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010 - 5168 7251




1982.9 - 1987.7 同济大学,材料科学与工程系(5年制),获学士学位
1989.9 - 1992.4 清华大学,材料科学与工程系,获硕士学位
1997.4 - 1999.12 香港理工大学,土木及结构工程系,获博士学位

1987.7 - 1989.8 北京海淀区华青特种陶瓷厂, 助理工程师
1992.4 - 1997.4 清华大学土木工程系, 助教, 讲师
2000.1 – 2002.10 北方交通大学yl23455永利官网, 讲师,副教授
2002.10 – 2005.10 yl23455永利官网, 特二岗,特聘教授
2006.9 – 今 yl23455永利官网, 教授
2006.9 – 2007.3 荷兰,Delft University of Technology,访问学者
2007.7 – 今 yl23455永利官网, 教授, 博士生导师



  • 建筑结构
  • 土木工程
  • 智能建造(yl23455永利官网导师组)


  • 土木工程硕士
  • 土木工程博士
  • 人工智能硕士


  1. 北京市自然科学基金“面上”:自感知应变硬化超高性能水泥基复合材料的制备与性能表征,2021-01-01--2023-12-31,20.0万元,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:组合养护与内养护剂对超高性能混凝土水化产物演化的调控及性能优化机理,2019-01-01--2022-12-31,60.0万元,主持
  3. 北京市自然基金“面上”:新型超高性能混凝土的应变硬化特征与自愈合行为研究,2017-01-01--2019-12-31,20.0万元,主持
  4. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:含粗骨料的超高性能混凝土高温损伤特征及其抗火性改善机理,2013-01-01--2016-12-31,85.0万元,主持
  5. 北京市自然基金“面上”:再生骨料缺陷特征及其对再生混凝土性能的影响机理,2012-01-01--2014-12-31,11.0万元,主持
  6. 基本科研业务费:超高强混凝土的抗火灾高温性能研究,2011-10-05--2012-10-05,3.0万元,参加
  7. 博士点基金:超高强混凝土的抗火性特征研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,6.0万元,主持
  8. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:再生骨料缺陷演变对再生混凝土力学性能与耐久性的影响机理,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,37.0万元,主持
  9. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:活性粉末混凝土的抗火性及其改善机理的研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,38.0万元,主持
  10. 其它部市:废弃混凝土再生利用的研究与应用,2007-01-15--2007-08-30,2.8万元,主持
  11. 校科技基金:绿色节能建筑结构体系关键技术及设计理论研究,2006-01-01--2007-12-31,25.0万元,参加
  12. 北京交通大学:WQ6、WQ8(暂定)混凝土及钢筋混凝土防腐阻锈剂的试验研究,2005-11-01--2006-03-31,25.0万元,参加
  13. 教育部:新型节能复合墙体计算模型及设计方法研究,2006-01-01--2008-12-31,7.0万元,参加
  14. 北京交通大学:青藏铁路桥墩混凝土剥蚀试验,2004-09-01--2005-05-31,15.0万元,参加
  15. 国家自然科学基金:纤维增韧高性能混凝土的高温断裂性能与抗爆裂性、抗热冲击性的研究,2005-01-01--2007-12-31,23.0万元,主持
  16. 北京交通大学:EETC--2005国际会议秘书组工作,2004-03-12--2005-06-30,1.0万元,主持
  17. 北京交大科技发展中心:注册铁路工程师考试大纲,2004-09-01--2004-12-12,6.0万元,参加
  18. 北京交大科技发展中心:深圳地铁混凝土结构裂缝控制技术研究,2003-12-01--2004-12-31,85.0万元,参加
  19. 北京交通大学:深圳地铁混凝土结构裂缝控制技术研究,2003-12-01--2004-12-31,15.0万元,参加
  20. 北京交通大学:深圳地铁混凝土结构裂缝控制技术研究,2003-09-01--2004-12-31,70.0万元,参加
  21. 校科技基金:高性能混凝土流变性能的研究,2002-11-12--2004-11-12,2.0万元,参加
  22. 铁道部科技司:无砂大孔混凝土试验研究与模型管/布系统加速试验研究,2002-05-30--2002-11-30,2.0万元,主持
  23. 铁道部科技司:青藏线常用跨度桥梁技术和提高耐久性措施补充试验研究,2001-12-12--2002-12-12,15.0万元,参加
  24. 国家自然科学基金:纤维增韧高性能混凝土抗火性及其改善机理的研究,2002-01-01--2002-12-31,20.0万元,主持
  25. 北京交通大学:活性粉末混凝土材料与结构性能研究,2001-11-02--2003-09-30,10.0万元,参加
  26. 北京交通大学:高速公路隧道防排水研究,2001-09-25--2003-12-30,30.0万元,参加
  27. 教育部:高性能混凝土的火灾损伤特征与抗火性改善,2001-01-01--2002-12-30,4.5万元,主持
  28. 铁道部科技司:新标准水泥强度等级对铁路混凝土强度影响试验研究-P6、P8防水混凝土的配比和工艺研究,2000-03-01--2000-07-31,10.0万元,参加
  29. 北京交通大学:新标准水泥配比和工艺对铁路工程防水混凝土抗渗性能的影响试验研究,2000-07-10--2000-10-15,10.0万元,参加




截止2024年1月,先后发表论文100余篇,主编2部教材、参编几部土木工程材料教材。多篇学术论文发表在国际期刊《Cement & Concrete Research》、《Cement & Concrete Composites》、《Construction & Building Materials》、《Journal of Building Engineering》、《ACI Materials Journal》、《Advances in Cement Research》及《Materials and Structures》等期刊上,论文截至2023年12月10日在SCI 中共计被引用1849次。主要论文如下:

103. Gui Zhang, Gai-Fei Peng, Xue-Yu Zuo, Xu-Jing Niu, Hong Ding. Adding hydrated lime for improving microstructure and mechanical properties of mortar for ultra-high performance concrete [J]. Cement and Concrete Research. 2023, 167: 1-11.

102. G.-F. Peng, G. Zhang, Z.-H. Lei, H. Ding, Y.-H. Jiang, X.-J. Niu, Y.-C. Fan. Verification of mechanism for effect of silane coupling agent modification of polyethylene (PE) fiber surface on strain-hardening behavior of HS-SHCC [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 67: 1-13.

101. 丁宏, 王鹏举, 朋改非, 贺海强, 胡东宇. 水下抗分离混凝土的制备及在曹妃甸工业区的应用 [J]. 混凝土, 2022 (05): 157-161.

100. 张贵,朋改非,类泽灏,牛旭婧,丁宏,蒋雨恒,范玉春. .基于聚乙烯纤维表面改性的超高性能混凝土应变硬化机理 [J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2021, (11): 1-9.

99. 牛旭婧,乜颖,朋改非,尚亚杰,丁宏,曲维峰. 养护制度对超高性能混凝土抗高温爆裂性能的影响 [J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2020, Vol. 48, No. 377(08): 1212-1222.

98. 牛旭婧,朋改非,何杰,类泽灏. 多尺度钢纤维组合与碳纳米管对RPC力学性能影响 [J]. 建筑材料学报, 2020, 23(01): 216-223.

97.Juan Yang, Gai-Fei Peng, Jie Zhao, Guo-Shuang Shui, On the explosive spalling behavior of ultra-high performance concrete with and without coarse aggregate exposed to high temperature[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2019,226:932-944.

96. 肖建庄,刘良林,张泽江,朋改非,陆洲导.高性能混凝土结构火安全可恢复性研究进展[J].建筑科学与工程学报,2019,36(01):1-12.

95. Juan Yang, Gai-Fei Peng, Guo-Shuang Shui and Gui Zhang. Mechanical properties and anti-spalling behavior of ultra-high performance concrete with recycled and industrial steel fiber, Materials, 2019, 12(5): 1-16. doi: 10.3390/ma12050783.

94. 牛旭婧,朋改非,何杰。多尺度钢纤维混杂与碳纳米管对UHPC力学性能的影响,第十七届全国纤维混凝土学术会议论文集,西安,2018年10月,pp. 88-95。

93. 牛旭婧,朋改非,李毅刚,戢文占。组合养护对不同水胶比混凝土力学性能的影响,第九届全国特种混凝土技术交流会论文集,太原,20188月,pp. 398-406

92. 杨娟,朋改非,税国双. 再生钢纤维增韧超高性能混凝土的力学性能. 复合材料学报, 2018, 1-8EI 检索)

91.Gai-Fei Peng,Xu-Jing Niu,Ya-Jie Shang,Deng-Ping Zhang,Xi-Wang Chen,Hong Ding。Combine curing as a novel approach to improve resistance of ultra-high performance concrete to explosive spalling under high temperature and its mechanical properties。Cement and Concrete Research,2018,109(7):147~158.(SCI 检索)

90. 牛旭婧,朋改非,尚亚杰,戴磊,戢文占。热水-干热组合养护对超高性能混凝土力学性能的影响。硅酸盐学报,2018,46(8): 1141~1148。(EI 检索)

89.杨娟,朋改非。钢纤维类型对超高性能混凝土高温爆裂性能的影响。复合材料学报,2018,35(6): 1599~1608。(EI 检索)

88.朋改非,牛旭婧,成铠。超高性能混凝土的火灾高温性能研究综述。材料导报,2017,12(13):17~23.(EI 检索,入选中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文领跑者5000)

87. Gai-Fei Peng, Juan Yang. Residual mechanical properties and explosive spalling behavior of ultra-high-strength concrete exposed to high temperature. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2017,24(4):62~70 . (EI 检索)

86. 朋改非,杨娟,石云兴。超高性能混凝土高温后残余力学性能试验研究。土木工程学报,2017,50(04):72~79. (EI 检索)

85. 朋改非,杨娟,石云兴,牛旭婧,赵怡琳,尚亚杰。超高性能混凝土抗高温爆裂性能试验研究。建筑材料学报,2017,20(2):231~236. (EI 检索)

84. 杨娟(博士生),朋改非。纤维对超高性能混凝土残余强度及高温爆裂性能的影响。复合材料学报,2016,33(12):2931~2940. (EI 检索)


83. 朋改非,牛旭婧(博士生),赵怡琳。异形钢纤维对超高性能混凝土增强增韧的影响。建筑材料学报,2016,19(06):1013~1018. (EI 检索)

82. Gai-Fei Peng,  Shang Ya-Jie, Wang Yu-Jian. Effect of loading on permeability of recycled aggregate concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 629-630:183-188. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

81. Gai-Fei Peng, Shuo Wang, Ting Li. Mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete at high and low water to binder ratios. Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 629-630: 321-329. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

80. Gai-Fei Peng, Xu-Jie Duan,Xue-Chao Yang, Ting-Yu Hao. Behavior of high performance steel-fiber concrete exposed to high temperature in terms of spalling and permeability. Key Engineering Materials, 2015,629-630:252-258. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

79. Juan Yang, Gai-Fei Peng . Mechanical properties of reactive power concrete and ultra-high strength concrete with coarse aggregate. Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 629-630:112-118. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

78.Gai-Fei Peng, Xiao-Li Wang, Lin Wang. Influences of glassified micro-bubble on mechanical properties of ultra-high-strength concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2015,629-630: 259-264.(Indexed by EI and ISTP)


77.Gai-Fei Peng,Juan Yang, Jing-Yan Wang . Influence of recycled aggregate defects on the durability of recycled aggregate concrete. Key Engineering Materials.2015,629-630:173-182. (Indexede by EI and ISTP)

76.Gai-Fei Peng, Jiu-Feng Zhang. Relationship between defects of recycled aggregte and mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2015,629-630:314-320.(Indexed by EI and ISTP)

75.Gai-Fei Peng, Xu-Jing Niu,Qian-Qian Long. Experimental study of strengthening and toughening for recycled steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2015,629-630:101-114. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

74.Juan Yang, Gai-Fei Peng, Yu-Xin Gao, Hui Zhang . Mechanical properties and durability of ultra-high performance concrete incorporating coarse aggregate. Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 629-630:96-103.(Indexed by EI and ISTP)

73. Jie Zhao ,Gai-Fei Peng. Modeling of moisture distribution evolution in high-performance concrete under fire exposure. Key Engineering Materials, 2015,629-630: 279-283 (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

72. 朋改非,牛旭婧,赵怡琳。钢纤维对超高性能水泥基复合材料增强增韧的影响。施工技术,2015,44(24):22-26.

71. Jie Zhao ,Jian-Jun Zheng ,Gai-Fei Peng . A numerical method for predicting Young's modulus of heated cement paste. Construction and Building Materials. 2014,54:197-201.(SCI检索)

70. Gai-Fei Peng ,Nai-Qian Feng ,Qi-Ming Song . Influence of chloride-ion adsorption agent on chloride ions in concrete and mortar. Materials. 2014,7(5): 3415-3426.(SCI检索)

69.Jie Zhao, Jian-Jun Zheng , Gai-Fei Peng , Van Breugel Klaas. A meso-level investigation into the explosive spalling mechanism of high-performance concrete under fire exposure. Cement and Concrete Reaserch. 2014,65: 64-75. (SCI检索 )

68. Gai-Fei Peng, Yu-Chuan Jiang, Bao-Hua Li, Jia Zhang and Yun-Xing Shi. Effect of High Temperature on Normal-Strength High-Performance Concrete. Materials Research Innovations (Journal), October, 2013, in press. (SCI检索)

67. Gai-Fei Peng, Yan-Zhu Huang, Hai-Sheng Wang, Jiu-Feng Zhang and Qi-Bing Liu. Mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete at low and high water/binder ratios. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Journal, Vol. 2013, Article ID 842929, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/842929. (SCI检索)

66. 赵杰,朋改非. Prediction of Thermal Decomposition of Hardened Cement Paste[J]Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering2012-052012245:592-5985),592598

65. 赵杰,朋改非.Modeling of Vapor Pressure Build-up in Heated High-Performance Concrete[J]Applied Mechanics and Materials2012-102012204-208):3691-42012),36913694

64. 赵杰,朋改非.Mesoscopic Thermal-Mechanical Fire Damage Modeling of High Performance Concrete[J]Advanced Materials Research2011-02194-196194-196),10951098

63. 赵杰,朋改非.Fire spalling modeling of high performance concrete[J]Applied Mechanics and Materials2011-0552-54378),378383

62. 赵杰,朋改非.Vapor Pressure Modeling for Fire Damage Assessment of HPC[J]Key Engineering Materials2010-12417-418:(509-512)417-418),

61. 赵杰,朋改非.Simulation Analysis Procedures on the Damage by Fire to High-Performance Concrete[J]Key Engineering Materials2009-122009,405-406:322-328Vols. 405-406),

朋改非,张九峰,王竞妍,刘启宾。再生骨料缺陷对再生混凝土的力学性能与渗透性的影响。施工技术, 2013, Vol. 42 (10), 46-50页。

朋改非,康义荣,李保华。高温作用后混杂纤维活性粉末混凝土的残余力学性能。施工技术, 2013, Vol. 42 (10), 51-54页。


朋改非, 杨娟, 高育欣, 王斌。含粗骨料的超高性能混凝土抗压强度的影响因素。华北水利水电学院学报,2012年,第33卷,第6期,5-9

朋改非,郝挺宇,李保华。 高强、超高强混凝土抗火性研究进展综述。 工业建筑,2012年,第42卷,第5期,134-138146

55. Gai-Fei Peng, Yi-Rong Kang, Yan-Zhu Huang and Qiang Chen. Experimental research on fire resistance of reactive powder concrete. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Journal, Vol. 2012, Article ID 860303, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/860303, 2012. (SCI检索)

54. Juan Yang
(博士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Yu-Xin Gao, Hui Zhang(本科生)
. Characteristics of Mechanical Properties and Durability of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Incorporating Coarse Aggregate. Proceedings of HiPerMat 2012, the 3rd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology in Construction, Kassel, Germany, March 7-9, ISBN 9783862192649, 2012, pp. 257-264.


52. G.F. Peng, Y.R. Kang, Q. Chen and J. Zhao. Explosive spalling and residual mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete subjected to high temperature. Proceedings of the 2011 Fire Spalling——2nd International RILEM Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, October, 2011, pp. 197-204.

51. Jinyu Wang(
硕士生), Gai-Fei Peng. Experimental Study on Influences of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber and Steel Fiber on Fracture Energy of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation EngineeringRSETE 2011
, Nanjing, China, 24-26 June 2011,pp:5960-5963.(Indexed by EI and ISTP)

50. Gai-Fei Peng, Yi-Rong Kang, Yan-Zhu Huang and Qiang Chen. Experimental research on fire resistance of reactive powder concrete. Accepted by the 9th Symposium on High Performance Concrete, Rotorua, New Zealand, 9-11 August 2011, p. 19.

49. Peng Gai-Fei and Li Chong-Zhi. Preface. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, Vol. 477. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

48. Peng Gai-Fei and Teng Yan. Fire resistance of ultra-high-strength concrete: A review. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, Vol. 477, pp. 333-339. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)

47. Peng Gai-Fei, Liu Qi-Bin(
本科生), Guo Zhu-Bo(本科生), Hou Qiao-Xing(本科生),Cao Si-Qi(本科生
), and Zhang Jiu-Feng. Mechanical properties and permeability of recycled aggregate concrete at low water/binder ratio. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, Vol. 477, pp. 16-22. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)


45. Juan Yang(
博士生), Gai-Fei Peng. The Mechanism of Explosive Spalling and Measures to Resistant Spalling of Concrete Exposed to High Temperature by Incorporating Fibers: A review. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 168-170, 2011, pp. 773-777. (Indexed by EI and ISTP

44. G.F. Peng, P. Chen(
本科生), S.Q. Cao(本科生), Q.B. Liu(本科生), Q.X. Hou(本科生), and Z.B. Guo(本科生). Mechanical properties and permeability of recycled aggregate concrete at low and high water/binder ratios. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2010), ISBN: 978-988-17311-0-4, Hong Kong, China, 15-17 December 2010, pp. 1009-1016.


42. Gai-Fei Peng, Yan-Zhu Huang, Jiu-Feng Zhang. Influence of gravel damage and mortar attached on mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Waste Engineering and Management: Construction Waste Recycling and Civil Engineering Sustainable Development (ICWEM 2010), Rilem Proceedings PRO 73, ISBN: 978-2-35158-102-5, eds. J.Zh. Xiao et al, Tongji U., Shanghai, China, 13-15 Oct., 2010, pp. 466-474. (Indexed by ISTP)

41. G.F. Peng, X.J. Duan, X.C. Yang, T.Y. Hao. Effect of steel fiber on explosive spalling and permeability of high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions: Environment & Loading, CONSEC'10, MÉRIDA, YUCATÁN, MEXICO, June 7-9, 2010, pp.1029-1036.

朋改非,王金羽,Chan YN Sammy, Anson Michael。火灾高温下硬化水泥浆的化学分解特征。南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版), 1(1), 2009年,pp. 76-81

39. Gai-Fei Peng, Yu-Chuang Jiang, Jia Zhang(
本科生). Comparison between Normal-Strength High-Performance Concrete and High-Strength High-Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperature. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on “THE CONCRETE FUTURE”, Yantai, Shandong, China, October 2008, pp.27-36.ISTP检索)

38. Zhao Jie, Gai-Fei Peng, Zhan-Qi Guo, Xian-Wei Chen. Simulation analysis procedures on the damage by fire to high-performance concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 405-406, pp 322-328.

37. Zhao Bo-Ming, Gai-Fei Peng, Ting-Yu Hao. Behavior of densified normal strength concrete under elevated temperature. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 405-406, pp. 405-408.

36. Peng Gai-Fei, Zhan-Qi Guo, Piet Stroeven, Ri Gao, Jiu-Feng Zhang. Advances in research on influence of raw materials on workability of fresh concrete: A review. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 405-406,pp. 83-88.

35. Peng Gai-Fei, Zhan-Qi Guo, Piet Stroeven, Ri Gao, Guang-Hua Huang. Advances in research on correlation of workability and rheology of fresh concrete: A review. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol.405-406, pp. 77-82.

赵杰, 朋改非。高性能混凝土火灾高温模拟研究的现状与展望综述。商品混凝土, 2008 (02), 1-3页。

陈茜, 朋改非, 刘叶峰, 宋启明。表层渗透试验方法对纤维高性能混凝土的适用性。商品混凝土, 2008 (01), 27-30页。

陈茜, 朋改非, 刘同, 刘叶峰, 宋启明。Germanns 表层渗透试验方法对高性能混凝土的适用性。施工技术, 2008, Vol. 37 (12), 20-22页。

陈茜, 朋改非。不同冷却制度下普强高性能混凝土的残余力学性能与渗透性的探讨。江苏建材, 2008 (01)24-26页。

宋启明, 朋改非, 冯乃谦, 姜子钦(本科生), 高明(本科生)。氯离子吸附剂对混凝土及砂浆抗氯离子渗透性影响的试验研究。商品混凝土, 2007 (02), 13-18页。

朋改非。《高性能混凝土应用技术规程》CECS 2072006的主要特征。施工技术,2008,第37卷,第1期,1-5页。


27. Gai-Fei Peng, Song-Hua Bian, Zhan-Qi Guo, Jie Zhao, Xin-Lai Peng(
本科生), Yu-Chuan Jiang. Effect of thermal shock due to rapid cooling on residual mechanical properties of fiber concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. Construction and Building Materials (UK), 2008, Vol. 22 (5), pp. 948-955.(SCI检索)

26. Gai-Fei Peng, Zhi-Shan Huang. Change in microstructure of hardened cement paste subjected to high temperatures. Construction and Building Materials (UK), 2008, Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 593–599. (SCI


24. Gai-Fei Peng, Qiang Ma, Hong-Mei Hu, Ri Gao, Qian-Feng Yao, Ye-Feng Liu. The effects of air entrainment and pozzolans on frost resistance of 50-60 MPa grade concrete. Construction and Building Materials (UK), 2007, Vol. 21, No.5, pp. 1034–1039. (SCI

23. Gai-Fei Peng, Wen-Wu Yang, Jie Zhao, Ye-Feng Liu, Song-Hua Bian and Li-Hong Zhao. Explosive spalling and residual mechanical properties of fiber-toughened high-performance concrete subjected to high temperatures. Cement and Concrete Research Journal, 2006, Vol.36, No.4, pp.723-727. (SCI

G.F. Peng, Y.F. Liu, H.Z. Jiao(本科生), Q.X. Yi, G.L. Qi(本科生
). Residual Mechanical Properties and Property Recovery of Fibre-Toughened High Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures. Proceedings of ConMat'05, the Third International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Vancouver, Canada, August 22-24, 2005, pp. 1-10.

21. N.Q. Feng, J.H. Yan, G.F. Peng, X.C. Wang. Application of Recycled Glass in Production of Construction and Building Materials. Proceedings of ConMat'05, the Third International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Vancouver, Canada, August 22-24, 2005, pp.1-6.

20. Gai-Fei Peng, Guo-Liang Qi, Ye-Feng Liu, Wei-Jian Gu, Quan-Xin Yi, Yu Pan. Residual Mechanical Properties and Explosive Spalling of Fibre-Toughened High Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength/High Performance Concrete, Washington D.C., USA, June 20-24, 2005, pp. 1087-1096.

19. Nai-Qian Feng, Jian-Hua Yan, Gai-Fei Peng. Research, Development, and Application of High Performance Concrete in China: A National Report. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength/High Performance Concrete, Washington D.C., USA, June 20-24, 2005, pp. 1027-1044.

18.Nai-Qian Feng, Jian-Hua Yan, Gai-Fei Peng. Ecological Environment and Concrete Technology in China. Journal of Key Engineering Materials, Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.12-18.

17.Qiang Ma
(硕士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Yong-Jiang Xie, and Ye-Feng Liu. Influence of Compound Admixture on freeze-thaw resistance of Concrete.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.184-190.SCI检索)

16.Ye-Feng Liu
(硕士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Han-Zhi Jiao(本科生), and Quan-Xin Yi. Influence of Polymer Impregnating on Mechanical Properties and Permeability of High Performance Concrete.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.438-443.SCI检索)

15.Gai-Fei Peng, Sammy Yin Nin Chan, Qi-Ming Song, and Quan-Xin Yi. Effect of High Temperature on Concrete: A Literature Review.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.138-149.

14.Gai-Fei Peng, Zhang-Li Zhao, Song-Hua Bian Ye-Feng Liu. Effect of cooling regimes on mechanical properties of fibre-toughened high-performance concrete.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.603-609.

13.Song-Hua Bian
(硕士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Ye-Feng Liu, Quan-Xin Yi. Effect of Various Moisture Contents, Variety and Dosage of Fibers on Explosive Spalling and Residual Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete Subjected to High Temperatures. Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.618-623.SCI检索)

Peng GF, Chan SYN, Ma Q, Wang D. Characteristics of explosive spalling of high performance concrete under high temperatures and its inhibition. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures (ICACS 2003), Xuzhou, Jiangsu, May 23-26, 2004, pp. 453-460.(ISTP检索)

Nai-Qian Feng and Gai-Fei Peng. Applications of natural zeolite to construction and building materials in China. Journal of Construction and Building Materials (UK), Vol.19, No.8, October 2005, pp. 579-584. (SCI检索

Gai-Fei PENG, Sammy Y.N. Chan. Characteristics of crack growth in high performance concrete subjected to fire. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2005, Vol.21, No.1, pp.118-122. (SCI检索

.边松华(硕士生),朋改非,赵章力(本科生),易全新。不同湿含量、纤维品种及掺量对高性能混凝土高温爆裂和残余抗压强度的影响。建筑材料学报,第8卷,第3期,20056月,pp. 321-327。(EI检索)

Chan Yin Nin Sammy, Peng Gai-Fei and Anson Mike. Fire behavior of high performance concrete made with silica fume at different moisture contents. ACI Materials Journal (USA), Vol. 96, No. 3, May-June, 1999, pp. 405-409SCI检索).

Y. N. Chan, G. F. Peng and M. Anson. Residual strength and pore structure of high-strength concrete and normal strength concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites (UK), Vol. 21, No. 1, 1999, pp. 23-27 SCI检索)

Peng G.F., Chan S.Y.N. and Anson M. Chemical kinetics of C-S-H decomposition in hardened cement paste subjected to elevated temperatures up to800 °C. Advances in Cement Research Journal (UK), 2001Vol. 13, No.2, pp. 47-52SCI检索)

Chan Y.N., Peng G.F., and Chan K.W. Comparison between High-Strength Concrete and Normal Strength Concrete Subjected to High Temperature. Materials and Structures Journal, Dec. 1996, Vol.29, pp. 616-619 SCI检索)

Gai-Fei Peng, Nai-Qian Feng and Sammy Y. N. Chan. Formation and strength of crystalline calcium silicate hydrate prepared by single autoclaving process. Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1999, pp. 191-197EI检索)

Peng G.F.,Chan S.Y.N. and Anson M. Characteristics of crack growth of high performance concrete subjected to fire. The Proceedings of International Symposium on Modern Concrete Composites & Infrastructures, Beijing, China, 2000, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, pp. 67-76ISTP检索)

.朋改非,陈延年,M. Anson。高性能硅灰混凝土的高温爆裂与抗火性。建筑材料学报,Vol. 2, No. 3, 1999pp. 193-198

.作为编制组成员,参加编制国家行业标准《高性能混凝土应用技术规程》,中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《高性能混凝土应用技术规程》(CECS 2072006),200611月,中国计划出版社,北京。


  1. 朋改非,刘娟红,潘雨.土木工程材料[M]。国内:华中科技大学出版社,2008-12
  2. 朋改非,冯瑞玲,潘雨,魏静。土木工程材料[M]。国内:北京交通大学出版社,2013-05
  3. 曹纬浚,朋改非.一级注册结构工程师基础考试复习教程(上册)[M]。人民交通出版社,2003-01
  4. 曹纬浚,杨松林,朋改非,乔春生,冯东,刘宝生.注册岩土工程师基础考试复习教程(下册),[M]。人民交通出版社,2003-01


1. 朋改非,张贵,丁宏。以二氧化碳作为内养护剂的超高性能混凝土的制备方法。2023.7.7,中国,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1272624.X,授权公告号:CN 115650663 B。

2. 朋改非,尚亚杰,牛旭婧,曾庆鹏,赵怡琳。一种超高性能混凝土及其制备方法。2016.2.22, 中国,CN201610070776。



2007年度,中国建筑材料工业协会•中国硅酸盐学会 建筑材料科学技术奖,二等奖,混凝土高性能化的研究和应用,排名第8。



2023年10月,入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%(Top 2%)顶尖学者年度榜单。


中国建筑学会 建筑材料分会 理事
中国硅酸盐学会 混凝土与水泥制品分会 理事
中国硅酸盐学会 房建材料分会 理事
中国硅酸盐学会 高性能混凝土委员会 副主任委员
中国混凝土和水泥制品协会 人力资源与教育委员会 副理事长
中国土木工程学会 再生混凝土委员会 委员
中国土木工程学会 纤维混凝土委员会 委员
中国土木工程学会 混凝土质量委员会 委员
中国硅酸盐学会 膨胀与自应力混凝土委员会 委员
中国硅酸盐学会 固体废弃物委员会 委员
中冶 高性能混凝土工程技术中心 技术委员会 委员
中国工程建设标准化协会 高性能混凝土标准编制组 成员
《膨胀与自应力混凝土》期刊 编委
《商品混凝土》期刊 编委
全国混凝土标委会 会刊《混凝土与标准化》 编委
《混凝土世界》期刊 编委
《混凝土技术》期刊 编委
国际期刊《Recent Patents on Nanotechnology》 编委
国际期刊《Advances in Concrete Construction (ACC)》 编委
美国混凝土学会 (American Concrete Institute) 会员
国际结构混凝土学会(fib, the international federation for structural concrete) 会员
英国混凝土学会 (The Concrete Society(UK)) 会员

ACI, Ultra-High Performance Committee

Updated on April 24th, 2019