期刊-> 姚锦宝, 董隆华.水位变化对于移动荷载作用下土体动力响应的影响研究[J]. 振动与冲击,2023,42(21):288-293(EI检索)
期刊->Jinbao Yao, Han Wu, Shaoyin Tao.Research on the vibration isolation characteristics of floor vibration isolation slab system under train operation.Advances in Civil Engineering,vol.2022,Article ID 2976271,2022 .https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2976271.(SCI检索)
期刊->Zhaozhi Wu, Nan Zhang *, Jinbao Yao, Vladimir Poliakov.Analysis of Train Car-body Comfort Zonal Distribution by Random.Applied Sciences-Basel.July 2022.https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/15/7442(SCI检索)
期刊->Zhaozhi Wu, Nan Zhang, Jinbao Yao and Vladimir Poliakov .Wavelet Time-Frequency Analysis on Bridge Resonance in Train-Track-Bridge Interactive System.Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,Appl. Sci. 2022, 125929. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12125929 (SCI检索)
期刊-> Jinbao Yao, Zhaozhi Wu,Yanan Wen and Zixuan Peng.Study on the Influence of
Low-Price Bid Winning and General Subcontracting Management on the Unsafe
Behavior Intention of Construction Workers.Frontiers in Psychology. April
2022,Volume 13, Article ID 822609. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.822609(SSCI检索)
期刊->Cheng Zhang, Nan Zhang,
Juan Wang and JinBao Yao.Vibration reduction and isolation performance of a platform
foundation and column base of an ancient wooden structure based on the energy
transfer analysis.Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active
Control. First Published March 27,2022. https://doi.org/10.1177/
期刊-> Yao jinbao,Fang lei.Building Vibration Prediction Induced by Moving Train with Random Forest.Journal of Advanced Transportation. DOI:Volume 2021, Article ID 6642071.https: //doi.org/10.1155/2021/ 6642071.(SCI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝, 胡敬梁.空沟隔振对瑞利波传播影响的理论研究[J]. 铁道学报,2019,41(10):117-123(EI检索)
期刊-> Jinbao Yao,Rutao Zhao,Nan Zhang,Dujuan Yang. vibration isolation effect study of in-filled trench barriers to train-induced environmental vibrations.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2019.9(105741):1-14(SCI检索).
期刊-> Fang lei,Yao jinbao,Xia he.Prediction on soil-ground vibration induced by high speed moving train based on artificial neural network model.Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2019.6(SCI检索)通讯作者。
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,胡敬梁.空沟对列车运行产生的环境振动隔振效果研究[J]. 中国铁道科学,2018,39(2):89-95(EI检索)
Yao, H. Xia, N.Zhan.Study on the Train-induced
Environmental Vibrations Considering Soil-Structure Interaction.X International Conference
on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017,Procedia Engineering199 (2017) :2747-2752(SCI检索)
期刊-> B.Yu,Y.T.Wang,J.B.Yao.A comparison of the performance of ANN and SVM for the prediction of traffic accident duration.Neural Network world 3/2016:271-287(SCI检索,ESI)通讯作者
期刊-> Ting Li,Yunong Yang,Yonghui Wang,Chao Chen,Jinbao Yao.TRAFFIC FATALITIES PREDICTION BASED ON SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE.ARCHIVES OF TRANSPORT,2016:Volume 39, Issue 3.(SCI检索)通讯作者
期刊-> Jinbao Yao,Baozhen Yao.Train-induced Vibration Prediction in Multi-Story Buildings Using Support Vector Machine.Neural Network world,2014.01:89-102(SCI检索)
期刊-> B.Yao, J. Yao, M.Zhang and L. Yu.Improved support vector machine regression in multi-step-ahead prediction for rock displacement surrounding a tunnel.Sharif University of Technology Scientia Iranica Transactions A: Civil Engineering (2014) 21(4): 1309-1316(SCI检索)
期刊-> Yao.Jinbao,Xia He,Zhang Nan.Prediction on building vibration induced by moving train based on support vector machine and wavelet analysis.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2014.6(SCI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,张楠.考虑土-结构相互作用的列车引起地面及建筑物振动分析[J].铁道学报,2014,36(4)(EI检索)
期刊-> Yao Jinbao,He Xia, Zhenming Bao.Structural Damage Identification of Pipe Based on GA and SCE-UA Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 101483, 1-9, 2013(SCI检索)
期刊-> Yao Jinbao,Chenjin Song,WensiWang.Damage Detection of Bridge Structure Based on SVM. Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 490372,1-7,2013(SCI检索)
期刊-> Yao, J.B;YAO, B.Z. LI, L, Jiang,Y.L. Hybrid Model For Displacement Prediction of Tunnel surrounding Rock.Neural Network World,第22卷,第3期,2012 (SCI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝,姚宝珍等.基于双种群遗传算法的公交线路发车间隔优化[J].深圳大学学报,2012,29(6):569-563(EI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝,袁晓婷等.动态需求背景下的出租车运力规模优化方法[J].北京理工大学学报,2012年增刊(EI检索)
期刊-> 陈建国,夏禾,姚锦宝.高架轨道交通列车对周围环境振动影响的试验研究[J].振动与冲击,2011,30(2):159-163(EI检索)
期刊-> Bin Yu, Zhongzhen Yang and Jinbao Yao. Genetic Algorithm for Bus Frequency Optimization.JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING © ASCE , JUNE 2010:576-583(SCI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,战家旺.铁路桥梁受收刷对桥墩自振特性的影响分析[J].中国铁道科学,2010,31(1):44-48(EI检索)
期刊-> Bao-Zhen Yao , Cheng-Yong Yang , Jin-Bao Yao & Jian Sun.Tunnel Surrounding Rock Displacement Prediction Using Support Vector Machine.International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.3, No. 6 (December, 2010), 843-852 (SCI检索)
期刊-> Bin Yu, Jin-bao Yao and Zhong-Zhen Yang.An improved headway-based holding strategy for bus transit. Transportation Planning and Technology. Vol. 33 , No. 3, April 2010, 329-342(SCI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,姚宝珍.基于并行遗传算法的车辆路径问题[J].物流技术,2010-03.72-75.
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾等. 同时取送货车辆路径问题的改进的蚁群算法[J].物流技术,2010-02.76-78.
期刊-> 姚锦宝,姚宝珍. 基于迭代法优化换乘枢纽布局[J].武汉理工大学学报.2010,34(1):76-79.
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,陈建国,魏鹏勃.运行列车对附近建筑物振动影响的试验研究和数值分析[J].中国铁道科学,2009,30(5)129-134.(EI检索)
期刊-> 魏鹏勃,夏禾,陈建国,姚锦宝,夏超逸.高架轨道交通引起的地面振动理论与试验研究[J].工程力学,2009,26(10)(EI检索)
期刊-> 姚锦宝,战家旺.基于事故致因理论的施工现场安全性评价研究[J].施工技术,2007,36(5):66-68.
期刊-> 战家旺,夏禾,姚锦宝.基于模态参数的桥墩结构损伤识别数值研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2007-12,17(3):171-175
期刊-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,陈建国,魏鹏勃.列车运行引起高层建筑物振动分析[J].中国铁道科学,2009,30(2):71-76(EI检索)
期刊-> 战家旺,姚锦宝,夏禾.既有桥梁墩台自振频率测试的冲击振动试验法[J].北京交通大学学报,2005-12,29(1).
会议论文-> J.B.Yao,H.XIA.Study on Vibration Reduction of Buildings under Train Actions using Isolation wall.AIMM’10-Advances in Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics.kerea. 2010.5 (ISTP检索)
会议论文-> J.G.Chen,H.XIA,J.B.Yao.Experimental study of environmental vibration induced by viaduct rail transit.ISEV2009,北京,2009-12(ISTP检索)
会议论文-> 姚锦宝,夏禾,张楠.土木工程施工课程教学方法改革探讨[J].土木建筑教育改革理论与实践,武汉理工大学,2009-12
会议论文-> J.B.Yao,H.XIA,CHEN Jianguo.Study on Isolation Measures of Building Vibrations Under Train Actions.4th International Symposium on Environmental Vibrations,Beijing,2009-12(ISTP检索)
会议论文-> Yao,Jinbao,Li, Minmin.Applying Interation Elimination Algorithm in Transfer Hub Location.2008 International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation. 2008-9. (ISTP检索)
会议论文-> Yao,Jinbao,Yao,Baozhen. A Parallel Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem.2007 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops.2007-12.(ISTP检索)
会议论文-> Yao, JB,Xia,H.Study on dynamic response laws of building under train actions.ISEV2007.007-10.(ISTP检索)
会议论文-> J.B.Yao,H.XIA.Fuzzy method for safety evaluation of construction project.Preceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology,北京理工大学,2007-12(ISTP检索)
会议论文-> J.W.ZHAN,H.XIA, J.B.Yao,N.ZHANG.A soundness evaluation method for damage identification of bridge substructures。international symposium on innovation &sustainability of structures in civil engineering,上海,2007-12
会议论文-> J.W ZHAN,YAO Jinbao,ZHAN Nan,XIA He.STUDY ON APPLICABILITY OF RESIDUAL FREE-VIBRATION METHOD IN MEASURING NATURAL FREQUENCIES OF BRIDGE PIERS。the second international conference on structural condition assessment, monitoring and improvement,湖南长沙,2007-12
会议论文-> 战家旺,夏禾,姚锦宝.冲击振动试验法测量桥梁体系的自振频率.2006中国交通土建工程交流会,成都,2006-12
会议论文-> J.W.ZHAN,H.XIA, J.B.Yao.Damage evaluation of bridge foundations considering subsoil properties.ISEV2005,Okayama,2005-12
期刊-> 姚锦宝,蔡敏.Autolisp参数化确定建筑日照间距[J].安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版),2001,(1):14-16.
期刊-> 黄农,姚锦宝,瞿伟.确定住宅建筑日照间距的棒影图综合分析法[J];合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版);2001,(2):62-65.