姓 名: |
徐丰 |
职 务: |
系主任 |
职 称: |
教授 |
学 历: |
研究生 |
学 位: |
博士 |
通信地址: |
北京市海淀区上园村3号北京交通大学yl23455永利官网 |
邮 编: |
100044 |
办公电话: |
51685662 |
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2006,博士,环境工程,澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学 1999,硕士,流体力学,中国科学院力学研究所 1987,学士,物理海洋,中国海洋大学 |
先后任职中国科学院力学研究所及澳大利亚悉尼大学等国内外多家知名学术机构,长期从事与流体力学相关的教学和科研工作,研究涵盖空间科学,清洁能源,城市大气与海洋环境和流体力学等多个领域;主持或参加了国内外科研项目数十项,获得了科研及教育奖励四项,发表了包括顶级力学期刊上的学术论文百余篇。 任职履历: 2011.08- 教授,博士生导师,北京交通大学物理科学与工程学院力学系(力学系原隶属于yl23455永利官网) 2009.08-2011.07 Research Fellow,澳大利亚悉尼大学土木工程学院 2006.10-2009.07 Research Associate,澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学工学院
1987.08-2003.08 研究实习员,助理研究员以及副研究员,中国科学院力学研究所 |
主持国家级项目节选如下: |
本科生课程:流体力学;流体动力学;粘性流体力学 研究生课程:量纲分析及尺度分析;粘性流体力学;高等流体力学;传热学 培养: 欢迎对空间科学、清洁能源、城市大气与海洋环境以及流体力学等研究领域感兴趣的学生报读硕士、博士或博士后。博士或博士后学习工作期间能获得与国外一流大学同样的研究指导以及直接的国外合作大学的留学机会。
博士后-- 2019:陈恩惠(北交大)
2023:孟欣湲 2022:武嘉伟
2020:齐依 2019:张伟(瑞士苏黎世理工大学联合培养),Harun Rashid2018:姜雨含(瑞士苏黎世理工大学联合培养) 2017:宋畅,翟浩宇(澳大利亚国立大学联合培养,香港理工大学博士后) 2016:王兴宇(阿德莱德大学联合培养,国家电网公司) 2014:Sidhartha Bhowmick(孟加拉国大学),乔曼曼(澳大利亚阿德莱德大学联合培养,南通大学) 2013:马佳(中科院高能所),王林伟(中科院硅酸盐所) 2012:崔会敏(石家庄铁道大学) 硕士--
2023:刘金昊 2022:周建伟2021:孟欣湲(转博),熊智玲 2020:武嘉伟(转博),孙鹏超(航天三院) 2019:齐依(转博),林翰翰(转博) 2018:张伟(转博),邵禹韬(光刻机公司) 2017:姜雨含(转博) 2016:胡阳(设计院),刘念(公司) 2015:王兴宇(转博),翟浩宇(转博) 2014:葛菲(北京牛栏山小学),侯育栋(北交大),任春光(设计院) 2013:孟波(航天一院),乔曼曼(转博) 2012:张勋(科技部高技术中心),薛宇轩(航天一院) 2011:马佳(转博) 本科--
2021:黄靖杨 2019:刘金昊(保研)
2015:齐依(保研) 2014:张伟(保研)
2013:姜雨含(保研) |
2023年: W. Zhang, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Experiment of a thermal plume on an open cylinder, J. Fluid Mech., 2023, 974, A6. E. Chen, F. Xu*. Thermocapillary convective flow induced by a ramp heating wall, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 217, 124689. C. Song, S. Chen, Y. Chen, Z. Dong, X. Zhang, B. Nie, F. Xu*. An experimental study of convective flow in a bottom heated cavity with ventilation duct - Laboratory modeling of convective flow in under coal gasification cavity, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 206, 123967.
H. Cui, M. Han, F. Xu, Q. Liu
and S. Saha. Scaling analysis of intrusion flow and thermal plume for Pr > 1
in the triangular cavity, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 2023, 195, 108616. H. Cui, H. An, W. Wang, Z. Han, B. Hu, F. Xu, Q. Liu and S. Saha. Numerical study of mixed convection and heat transfer in arc-shaped cavity with inner heat sources, Appl. Sci., 2023, 13, 1029. 2022年:
B. Nie, F. Xu*. Effect of curvature on transient
natural convection in a vertical circular pipe, J. Fluid Mech., 2022, 937, A29. Y. Qi, E. Chen, F. Xu*. A transient intrusion flow on a cooled horizontal surface, Phys. Fluids, 2022, 34, 013608. X. Wang, Z. Tian, B. Nie, X. Zhang, F. Xu*. Transition to the chaotic state of the convective flows on a hot cone, Phys. Fluids, 2022, 34, 094101. S. Bhowmick, F. Xu*, Md. M. Molla, S. Saha*. Chaotic phenomena of natural convection of water in a V-shaped enclosure, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 2022, 176, 107526. H. Cui*, W. Wang, F. Xu, S. Saha, Q. Liu. Transitional free convection flow and heat transfer within attics in cold climate, Therm. Sci., 2022, 26, 4699-4709. 2021年: E. Chen and F. Xu*. Transient Marangoni convection induced by an isothermal sidewall of a rectangular liquid pool, J. Fluid Mech., 2021, 928, A6. Y. Fan#, Y. Zhao#,*, J. F. Torres, F. Xu, C. Lei, Y. Li, and J. Carmeliet. Natural convection over vertical and horizontal heated flat surfaces: a review of recent progress focusing on underpinnings and implications for heat transfer and environmental applications, Phys. Fluids, 2021, 33, 101301. B. Nie, Y. Shao, F. Xu*. An experimental study of natural convection on a vertical surface with neighboring isothermal and isoflux heating, Eur. Phys. J. E, 2021, 44, 104. M. Qiao, Z. Gao, F. Xu*. Experimental study of transient convective flows from a suddenly heated groove, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2021, 179, 121701. W. Zhang, M. Qiao, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Period bubbling bifurcation and transition to chaotic state of convective flow on a top-open cylinder, Phys. Fluids, 2021, 33, 064110. Y. Jiang, B. Nie, Y. Zhao, J. Carmeliet, F. Xu*. Scaling of buoyancy-driven flows on a horizontal plate subject to a ramp heating of a finite time, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2021, 171, 121061. H. Zhai, J. Torres, Y. Zhao, F. Xu*. Transition from steady to chaotic flow of natural convection on a section-triangular roof, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2021, 6, 013502. X. Wang, S. Bhowmick, Z. Tian, S. Saha, F. Xu*. Experimental study of natural convection in a V-shape-section cavity, Phys. Fluids, 2021, 33, 014104. E. Chen, F. Xu*. Traannsient thermocapillary convection flows in a rectangular cavity with an evenly heated lateral wall, Phys. Fluids, 2021, 33, 013602. B. Nie, W. Xiqing, J. Li*, F. Xu. Assessment of the potential storm tide inundation hazard under climate change: case studies of Southeast China coast, Acta Mech. Sinica, 2021, 37(1), 53-64. 2020年: C. Song, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Scaling analysis of natural convection in a vertical channel, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 2020, 117, 104739. M. Qiao, Z. Tian, Q. Yang, F. Xu*. Transition to chaos for buoyant flows in a groove heated from below, Phys. Fluids, 2020, 32, 054104. S. Al zahrani, M. Islam, F. Xu, S. Saha*. Thermal performance investigation in a novel corrugated plate heat exchanger, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2020, 148, 119095. 2019年: X. Wang, D. Wang, F. Xu*. Buoyant flows on a vertical cone, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 141, 1131-1139. H. Zhai, B. Nie, B. Chen, F. Xu*. Unsteady flows on a roof imposed by a periodic heat flux: 2D simulation and scaling analysis, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 2019, 145, 106002. Y. Jiang, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Lapping flow and starting plume on an evenly heated horizontal plate, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 138, 235-243. Y. Jiang, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Scaling laws of buoyant flows on a suddenly heated horizontal plate, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 105, 58-64. B. Nie, F. Xu*. Scales of natural convection on a convectively heated vertical wall, Phys. Fluids, 2019, 31, 024107. H. Cui, F. Xu. S. Saha*, Q. Liu. Transient free convection heat transfer in a section-triangular prismatic enclosure with different aspect ratios, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 2019, 139, 282-291. S. Bhowmick, S. Saha, M. Qiao, F. Xu*. Transition to a chaotic flow in a V-shaped triangular cavity heated from below, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 128, 76-86. 2018年: M. Qiao, Z. Tian, B. Nie, F. Xu*. The route to chaos for plumes from a top-open cylinder heated from underneath, Phys. Fluids, 2018, 30, 124102. X. Wang, F. Xu*, H. Zhai. An experimental study of a starting plume on a mountain, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 97, 1-8. M. Qiao, F. Xu*, S. Saha. Numerical study of the transition to chaos of a buoyant plume from a two-dimensional open cavity heated from below, Appl. Math. Model., 2018, 61, 577-592. J. Ma, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Pr >1 unsteady thermal flows and heat transfer in a finned cavity with a uniform heat flux, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 2018, 129, 83-93. B. Nie, F. Xu*, C. Ren. Transient intrusion flow in a section-triangular attic, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 93, 11-20. S. Bhowmick, F. Xu*, S. Saha. Natural convection and heat transfer in a valley shaped cavity filled with initially stratified water, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 2018, 128, 59-69. H. Zhai, F. Xu*, Y. Hou, S. Saha. Natural convection and heat transfer on a section-triangular roof, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 92, 23-30. J. Ma, B. Nie, F. Xu*. Transient flows on an evenly heated wall with a fin, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 118, 235-246.
2019年,中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖 2007年,Dean's Award on excellent research team, James Cook University 1991年,中国科学院科技进步二等奖,项目名称:太湖入湖河口污染物稀释自净规律研究 1990年,中国科学院科技进步三等奖,项目名称:以吴江县为典型的小城镇水污染控制研究
中国力学学会理事会理事 中国力学学会对外合作交流委员会委员 中国载人航天工程微重力流体物理专家组成员 河北省风工程和风能利用工程技术创新中心技术委员会委员 结构风工程与城市风环境北京市重点实验室学术委员会委员 财政部,科技部及基金委,教育部及留学基金委等项目评标或评审专家 澳大利亚国家科学基金的国际评审专家